A Beggar's Story

“Penny by penny, a beggar can become a rich man,” said Elegguá, sitting beside the beggar who lived on the outskirts of town. “Trust me. It is not that hard.”

The beggar looked back at Elegguá. “Do you really think so?”

“Fortunes have been built by lesser beings!” the orisha said.

So the beggar went into town, begging alms. Some people offered money; others didn't. Some were gracious, and others weren't. All the while, Elegguá watched what everyone did.

“There are millions of people in this world!” said Elegguá, giving the beggar a friendly slap on the back. If one million people gave you one million pennies, you would have a small fortune on your hands. Don't be afraid to beg, not even for a penny!”

Every day, the beggar went out into the streets, begging alms; and when someone he met said, “I have no money,” the beggar begged, “Not even a penny? Surely you have but a single penny you won't miss?”

It worked almost every time; and in just a matter of weeks, the beggar became quite prosperous.

For, truly, penny by penny, a beggar can become a rich man!